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D7.1 Design of Identity Management, Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure

Design of Identity Management, Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure

December 2009 version (v2.1) of deliverable D7.1 (Design of Identity Management, Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure) is open to public comments, feedback and review !

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Executive Summary

This document describes the design of the identity management, authentication and authorization infrastructure, which is needed in order to achieve the security, trust and privacy objectives of the TAS3 project.
Section 2 of this document describes the overall architecture of the identity management, authentication and authorization infrastructure. Section 2 also describes the obligation infrastructure that supports policy enforcement through the automatic execution of obligations (where this is possible). Section 3 describes the design of the Break the Glass (BTG) infrastructure. BTG allows users who are not normally authorized to access resources, to gain access after first “breaking the glass” in the full knowledge that they will have to answer later to management about this. Section 3 also describes how adaptive audit controls can be supported in order to support BTG policies. Both of these features are enabled through the obligation infrastructure described in Section 2. Section 4 describes the design of a credential aggregation infrastructure where user credentials can be retrieved, aggregated and validated in dynamically changing environments, even when the user is known by different identities at different identity providers. Section 5 describes the multiple policy authorization evaluation infrastructure, which will provide support for multiple authorization policies written in different languages to be evaluated and any conflicts between them to be resolved before the user is granted access to a resource. Section 6 describes the design of the infrastructure for the dynamic delegation of credentials between the various actors of the system, and the verification of these credentials using a Credential Validation Service. Section 7 builds on section 6 and describes how authorization policies can be dynamically managed & updated by multiple distributed dynamically allocated administrators. Section 8 describes how policies (especially privacy policies) can be “stuck” to information, and transported with the information throughout a distributed system. Section 9 briefly introduces the event management infrastructure which is used to support the passing of messages between system components, via the publish and subscribe paradigm, which is described more fully in D8.2. Section 10 describes the ontology for authorization and privacy policies. Section 11 concludes by describing the current limitations in the design to date, and indicating where further work will be done in future iterations of this deliverable, and where future research may still be needed at the end of the TAS3 project. Section 11 also includes details of the standardization work that we have undertaken in the TAS3 project in order to ensure that the authorization infrastructure is not only built on existing standards, but also contributes to future standards in
this area.

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