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D4.3 Implementation


December 2009 version (v2.1) of deliverable D4.3 (Implementation) is open to public comments, feedback and review !

All feedback welcome ! 

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Executive Summary

The requirements assessment report (D1.2) has pointed out that WP4 Information Protection has two central high-level requirements. The first refers to the possibility to demonstrate to lay users the complex security and trust features of the TAS3 system. The second refers to the ability of providers to prove that they processed the information and services in accordance to the required policies.
The present version of the deliverable version introduces trust and privacy negotiation and its integration into K.U.Leuven prototype, as described in the previous version of the deliverable. The deliverable has been re-organised as follows.

- Section 2 introduces trust negotiation concepts and the extension of the TrustBuilder2 framework

- Section 3 introduces the prototype software

- Section 4 provides a tutorial on how to use the prototype

- Section 5 describes the integration of trust negotiation into the prototype

- Section 6 describes how to execute the “break the glass” scenario, and

- Section 7 provides a roadmap for future releases

- Section 8 illustrates an example of the source code of the prototype

The present version of this deliverable builds on the system independent and protocol agnostic prototype of the TAS3 ecosystem that has been presented in the first version of this deliverable.

Future versions of this deliverable will bridge the dummy functionality of the demonstrator framework with the TAS3 actors to illustrate that the information that has been processed within a TAS3 system has been processed according to and in compliance with the user-centric policies.

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