Overall Objectives
Integrated & context independent solution
The overall objective of the TAS³ Integrated Project is to specify a trusted services network that advances the current state of the art of isolated solutions. Our resulting solution does not solve either identity management issues, or facilitate the evaluation of trust policies, data processing policies and service authorization policies, etc… Quite on the contrary, as it proposes an integrated & context independent solution. This solution consists of checklists, workflows, controls, sample policies and a set of tools to help guide the creation of TAS³ compliant sites and technologies. These will consist of practical guidance, policy architectures, contractual frameworks, and adaptive process models that are executed by web services, and keeps in mind the governance structure and portable controls that enable compliance with data protection and related legal requirements that are relevant in developing service user-centric tools and programs related to employability and eHealth.
Semantic coherence
One of the main challenges is to guarantee the semantically correct interpretation and implementation of data protection regulation, while sharing, accessing and using information processing services. These are essential elements of trust required for various stakeholders, especially individuals – such as patients and employees, to participate in any TAS³ system. In collaborative and iterative work across the project, we will try to optimize the association of procedures, policies, controls and contractual obligations with data elements and roles through automated, systems-based solutions.